A world of opportunities to explore the subjects of history, geography, the social sciences and law welcomes AYJ students with a passion for these subjects. Students will take compulsory courses in Grade 9 Canadian Geography and Grade 10 Canadian History at either the applied or academic levels. These academic level courses are also available as French immersion credits. In Grade 10 students are also required to complete the Grade 10 Civics course, an open level course. In each of these courses the emphasis is on students engaging in the subject with “hands on” approaches through a range of educational activities such as re-enacting historical events, analyzing data from student questionnaires, exploring geology along local trails, voting in a mock election or passing a law in a model parliament.

In Grade 11 and 12, students can select from a wide variety of fascinating courses, covering subjects from Natural Disasters to World Issues, from Raising Healthy Children to Anthropology, Psychology and Sociology, from International Law to the History of the Western World, from Ancient History to Philosophy, among many more. These courses are offered at the Open, Mixed, College and University levels. In addition several of these credits can be used towards a French Immersion Certificate. Each course offers “real world” experiences with numerous guest speakers, field trips, or role play simulations, all strongly encouraging active student participation. At the senior levels, students come to understand not only Canada’s roles in the world but also their individual roles as global citizens. Students are encouraged to become involved in exploring their choices for their future educational and career paths.
The CWS Department is proud to be one of the cross-curricular areas which sponsors the OCDSB International Certificate Program, which is awarded to students who complete several courses that focus on a international perspective. Students can choose from a select list of courses as well as complete an international exchange and or volunteer work with an NGO based in Ottawa. Many of the teachers in the Department lead by example in organizing extra-curricular activities for students, including the international student exchanges to Spain and China, board wide trips to Iceland, Outers Club and more.

The teachers of the department are a dynamic group with a wide range of experience. Each brings a love of their respective subject area to the classroom and shares their interests and knowledge to engage their students. Our teachers have experience teaching across Canada and in several other countries. Some of our teachers are in their second careers. Some have written for academic publications. Most are involved in many aspects of school life whether in coaching sports teams, organizing student clubs or chairing committees. Some of the teachers are involved in organizing province wide professional development conferences or participating in special school board or Ministry of Education initiatives.
Should you have questions or comments, please contact your son or daughter’s teacher or Mr. Barter, the Department Head.