Formal Exam Period (Jan 24, 27, 28, 29, 30)
Final Evaluations and Student Success Opportunities for grades 9-12 scheduled during the Formal Examination Period will follow a Day 1/Block A, Day 2/Block B, Day 3/Block 3, Day 4/Block 4 format according to their timetable. Specifically:
Jan. 24, 2024: Block A classes (students must report to their class by 9:15 AM).
Jan. 27, 2024: Block B classes (students must report to their class by 9:15 AM).
Jan. 28, 2024: Block C classes (students must report to their class by 9:15 AM).
Jan. 29, 2024: Block D 4 classes (students must report to their class by 9:15 AM).
All exams will begin promptly at 9:30 AM. Don't be late!
Attendance and completion of the 30% final evaluation(s) is compulsory for all students and must be completed on the date(s) assigned by the classroom teacher. Absences will only be considered excused for approved extenuating circumstances (ex: illness, medical, compassionate, etc). Please avoid scheduling appointments and/or vacations on scheduled Final Evaluation dates. If you are unsure of your child’s evaluation dates please check with their teacher.
If Transportation Services are Cancelled by OSTA During the Formal Exam Period
● In the event of bus cancellation due to inclement weather or other reasons, exams/final evaluations will be postponed by one day following a ‘bump and slide’ model.
● For example, if January 27 is a snow day and all school bus transportation for our board is cancelled then:
○ All exams originally scheduled for January 27 will be written on January 28
○ All exams originally scheduled for January 28 will be written on January 29**
○ Semester 2 would begin as normal on Feb 3 (note Jan 31 is a PA Day)
**Students should ensure they are available to attend school Thursday, January 30 in case of a snow day occurring during the exam schedule.
Other Important Information/Reminders
● No regular classes will take place from Jan. 24 - 30.
● Students only attend the day(s) they have a scheduled Exam or other Final Evaluation or Student Success opportunity.
● Buses will maintain their current schedule for both the beginning and the end of the day.
● Any students wishing to go home immediately after completing an Exam/Final Evaluation or Student Success opportunity will need to arrange their own transportation accordingly.
● Students with questions related to IEP accommodations should contact Mrs. Farquhar.