
Business graphic


Canadian & World Studies graphic

Canadian & World Studies

Computers Graphic


co-op education graphic

Co-operative Education

Dance Image


Drama Graphic


English logo graphic


Foods at Ay picture

Food & Nutrition

Library graphic


Physical Education graphic

Physical Education and Dance

Math graphic


music artwork


Science graphic


Social science graphic

Social Science

Student success graphic

Student Success

Technology graphic


Learning Support

Learning support graphic

Our Special Education Team provides support for students who have an Individual Education Plan (I.E.P.). This support ranges from program monitoring to a timetabled credit course in Learning Strategies with daily subject support. Our Educational Assistants work with students both in the regular classroom setting and in the Resource room. The Learning Support Teacher (L.S.T.) liaises with the classroom teachers, parents and specialized support personnel to ensure that student needs are being accommodated in an appropriate manner.

Our Student Success program’s ultimate goal is for each and every student to be successful in all of their classes. Our team conducts credit rescue and credit recovery programs, assists students who are behind in course work and provides study skills opportunities to students in need of some additional support.

Department Heads

Canadian & World Studies, Social Studies & Humanities, Visual Arts and Music
Robert Barter

English, French, Spanish, Dramatic Arts and Library
Kylie Willson

Mathematics, Business & Computer Science
David Thickett 

Physical Education, Dance and Technology
Joel Graham 

Science & Food and Nutrition
Melissa Drew 

Guidance and Career Studies, Special Education, Student Success, Cooperative Education and J-Crew
Sharlene DeMerchant